* Emmy winner Vincent Irizarry joins The Bold and the Beautiful | B&B on Soap Central

Emmy winner Vincent Irizarry joins The Bold and the Beautiful

Posted Tuesday, July 16, 2019 16:15:12 PM

Emmy-winning multi-soap vet Vincent Irizarry will once again be playing a doctor on daytime. Irizarry joins the cast of The Bold and the Beautiful as a doctor involved in the reveal that baby Phoebe is really baby Beth.

It looks like the truth about Phoebe-slash-Beth (known more affectionately as "Phoebeth") is finally going to come out -- and it will involve the help of an Emmy-winning doctor. No, not Dr. Oz. We're not entirely sure even Mehmet Oz could make heads or tails of this baby swap. Multi-soap veteran Vincent Irizarry will once again don a stethoscope when he joins The Bold and the Beautiful next month in the newly created role of Dr. Jordan Armstrong.

Irizarry has long been a favorite of daytime fans, going all the way back to his time as Brandon "Lujack" Luvanoczeck on Guiding Light. Apparently, it isn't just the fans that like the actor's work. Irizarry revealed that his B&B stint came about because of a request from the show's head honcho.

"My understanding is that this was at the request of Brad Bell (B&B's executive producer and head writer). He reached out to my [representatives] and I learned that they had this role they'd like me to do," Irizarry told TV Insider. "It's recurring and I can say that it has to do with the baby reveal. I'll be playing opposite all the main characters."

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Overjoyed to be heading to the B&B runway!!! @boldandbeautifulcbs @BandB_CBS @Boldinsider @CBSDaytime #boldandbeautiful #4evrgr8ful

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Irizarry added that he is looking forward to once again working with Thorsten Kaye (Ridge Forrester). Irizarry and Kaye often butted heads -- fictionally, of course -- during their time as Dr. David Hayward and Zach Slater on All My Children. Irizarry's work as the often unscrupulous but mostly well-intentioned David Hayward earned him an Outstanding Supporting Actor win at the 2009 Daytime Emmys.

Doctors Armstrong and Hayward are not the only medical roles Irizarry has played on daytime. He also played the role of Dr. Scott Clark on Santa Barbara.

Irizarry has also appeared as Lujack's twin, Nick McHenry Spaulding, on Guiding Light, as Days of our Lives' Deimos Kiriakis, and as David Chow on The Young and the Restless.

Irizarry makes his first B&B appearance on Monday, August 26. The role is, as previously mentioned, a recurring role. Would Irizarry stick around if more story became available for his character?

"Sure! There may be some other ailing people who need a doctor on the show! I love working. I love the medium. I've been very fortunate enough to work with some wonderful people in this genre," Irizarry stated. "I really appreciate the work and how substantive it is. I love that stories go from week to week and month to month. It's exciting to me."

What do you think about Vincent Irizarry joining B&B? How do you feel about the Phoebe/Beth resolution finally happening? We want to hear from you -- so drop your comments in the Comments section below, tweet about it on Twitter, share it on Facebook, or chat about it on our Message Boards.

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